Louth Tile Cleaning

Louth Tile Cleaning

Welcome to my Work History archive where you will find examples of the cleaning and renovation of tiles carried out in Louth.

Quarry Tiled Kitchen Floor Restoration Goulceby Louth

Lino Covered Quarry Tiled Kitchen Floor Restoration in Goulceby near Louth

I was asked to look at this Quarry tiled floor at a property in the village of Goulceby near Louth for a client who was renovating their kitchen. Previously it had been covered with lino and they lifted that to reveal the tiles underneath. Realising this floor was original to the property they decided to see if it could be restored and hence contacted Tile Doctor.

Quarry Tiled Kitchen Floor Before Cleaning Goulceby Louth

I went over to survey the Quarry tiles and could see there was quite a lot of cement screed staining on the tiles, a lot of which was quite thick. The installers of the linoleum will have done this to provide a completely level base. Although difficult I knew it could be removed and provided the client with a quote for restoring the floor. This was accepted, and a date scheduled for the work to commence.

Quarry Tiled Kitchen Floor Before Cleaning Goulceby Louth

Cleaning a Quarry Tiled Kitchen Floor

From experience I know the quickest way to remove old screed is to soften it with a steamer and then scrape it off carefully with a large scraper. It is not quick, and the work is quite laborious, but it is effective, in fact removing the screed took the best part of two days.

With the bulk of the screed removed I gave the floor an acid wash using Tile Doctor Grout Clean-up, this product breaks down mineral based contaminates such as the remnants of the cement screed and old grout smears. Being acidic it will also neutralise alkaline salts that may have built up in the tiles. Old floors like this are designed to breathe and the previous coverings would have prevented that. This can lead to moisture being trapped under the floor where it can potentially reach out to the walls and cause rising damp. The Tile Doctor Grout Clean-up was scrubbed in with a mechanical buffer and then the soiling was rinsed off and extracted with a wet vacuum.

I then gave the floor a deep clean using Tile Doctor Remove and Go to get rid of any old sealants and dirt trapped in the tiles itself. I used the previous method of scrubbing with the buffer followed by rinsing and extracting. Last step on day two was to spot treat any remaining problem areas by hand until I was satisfied the floor was as clean as it possible.

I used a lot of water during those two days so despite removing as much of it as possible with the wet vacuum I was concerned it may take a long time to dry out completely, so I left a couple of dehumidifiers in place for a further two days before I returned to apply the sealer.

Sealing a Quarry Tiled Kitchen Floor

On my return I checked the moisture levels of the tiles with a damp meter, taking readings from different parts of the floor to confirm it was dry. All was well so I set about applying the first of two coats of Tile Doctor Colour Grow. This is a breathable colour enhancing impregnating sealer that works by soaking into clay tiles, occupying the pores and ensuring dirt remains on the surface where it is easily cleaned away.

Quarry Tiled Kitchen Floor After Restoration Goulceby Louth

Once complete the Quarry tiled floor was transformed and as you can imagine my client was very happy with the result. They commented that they really didn’t think a tiled floor in this condition could be restored but figured it would be worth giving it a go.

Quarry Tiled Kitchen Floor After Restoration Goulceby Louth

Before leaving I took time to discuss aftercare, and recommended they use a sealer safe Tile Cleaning product such as Tile Doctor Neutral Tile Cleaner.


Professional Restoration of a Quarry Tiled Kitchen Floor Lincolnshire

Lino Covered Quarry Tiled Kitchen Floor Restoration in Goulceby near Louth Read More »

Painted Victorian Hallway Floor Tile Restoration Louth

Tile Paint Removed from Victorian Hallway Tiles in Louth

These photos taken at a property in Louth area great example of how well old Victorian tiles respond to restoration. A previous owner of the property had decided they didn’t like the classic look of the tiled floor and decided to modernise the look by painting over the whole floor with white tile paint.

Roll on twenty years and the paint had started to wear away and the whole floor was looking rather miserable. The current property owners (and quite sensibly on my opinion) had realised the value and original period floor can add to a property and rather than cover the whole thing up decided to get in touch with Tile Doctor about the possibility of having it restored.

Painted Victorian Hallway Floor Tiled Louth Before Paint Removal

I went over to Louth to survey the tiles and run some tests to see what would shift the paint and whether the tiles underneath could be saved. Fortunately, the results were encouraging and gave them a price for restoring the whole floor back to its original state. This included removing the paint, deep cleaning the tiles and then sealing to protect it.

Removing Paint from a Victorian Tiled Floor

To remove the layer of paint from the surface of the tiles, I needed to use a solvent remover product specifically designed to remove paints, this was applied liberally to the affected area and left to dwell.

Once the stripper had removed top layer coat of paint I was left with a grey undercoat. To lift this out of the tiles and grout I used Tile Doctor Remove & Go in combination with a steamer. The heat of the steamer helped to strip away the excess paint, making removal a much easier process. Remove & Go is a multi-purpose coatings remover designed to remove all sorts of products including sealers, paint, and adhesives, all of which seemed to be present on these tiles.

Painted Victorian Hallway Floor Tiled Louth During Paint Removal

The process was quite time consuming but it had the added bonus of lifting out dirt trapped in the pores of the Victorian tiles leaving them clean. To finish the floor was rinsed with water and the soiling removed with an industrial wet vacuum.

Painted Victorian Hallway Floor Tiled Louth After Paint Removal

Sealing a Victorian Tiled Floor

After leaving the area to dry for a full five days, I returned to the property to seal the tiles which would improve their appearance further and will protect them from dirt becoming ingrained in the pores.

My choice of sealer was Tile Doctor Seal & Go, which is a water-based blend of acrylic polymers designed to provide both a stain resistant surface seal and a long-lasting low-sheen finish. It is suitable for use on most kinds of unsealed, porous surfaces, including Slate, Quarry and Sandstone but works equally well on Victorian tiled floors.

Once complete the floor was transformed, and the owner much relived it had been possible to remove the paint and restore the original beauty of the hallway tiles.

Painted Victorian Hallway Floor Tiled Louth After Restoration

For aftercare I recommend Tile Doctor Neutral Cleaner, it’s a gentle but effective cleaner that won’t harm the seal. You have to be very careful when choosing a sealer for sealed floors as many contain bleach and are simply too strong resulting in the sealer being worn away prematurely.

Painted Victorian Hallway Floor Tiled Louth After Restoration


Professional Restoration of Victorian Hallway Floor Tiles in Lincolnshire

Tile Paint Removed from Victorian Hallway Tiles in Louth Read More »


North Lincolnshire Tile Doctor

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