Sandstone Tile Cleaning

Welcome to my Work History archive where you will find detailed examples of the cleaning and renovation of Sandstone flooring carried out in North Lincolnshire

Cleaning and Renovating Sandstone Floors

Sandstone is often used for Kitchen and Hallway flooring, however as with any natural stone it needs to be sealed to protect it and bring out its beauty and colouring. One of the biggest problems we find with stone flooring is with the sealer becoming stripped away prematurely by the continuous use of cleaning agents not designed for this type of surface. Without its protective sealer porous stone quickly becomes ingrained with dirt making it increasingly difficult to clean effectively.

Our method for renovating Sandstone typically involves stripping the floor of any existing sealer/coatings, deep cleaning to extract the dirt and then applying a fresh sealer for which I recommend Tile Doctor Colour Grow as it enhances the natural colours in the stone. If the floor is particularly bad, it’s best to resurface it with coarse milling pads which can remove a thin layer from the surface of the stone.

Below you will find detailed examples of work we have carried out in the past, it should give you some idea of what’s involved and what can be achieved with the right techniques and products.

Sandstone Patio Restoration Caistor

Blackspot-Stained Grubby Sandstone Patio Restored in Caistor

These photographs are from a client in Caistor whose Sandstone Patio hadn’t been cleaned for years and was covered in blackspot and sap from overhanging trees from the churchyard next door. It was so dirty and un-inviting they had decided it was overdue a deep clean and so got in touch with Tile Doctor to have it restored, if possible. Deep cleaning a patio is certainly cheaper than replacing it so it’s always worth investigating that option first.

Sandstone Patio Before Cleaning Caistor

After discussing the patio over the phone, I made an appointment to visit the property and survey the patio. I could see that the Sandstone had turned black with all the absorbed dirt and blackspot staining and was unrecognisable from what it once was.

Sandstone Patio Before Cleaning Caistor

Undeterred I was confident of being able to renovate its condition and worked out a quote for the work which shouldn’t take longer than a day. Happy with the quote and the prospect of enjoying the patio again in time for the summer we set a date with an eye on the weather forecast.

Deep Cleaning a Sandstone Patio

There was a lot of dirt to remove so I started by giving the whole area a thorough jet wash using an industrial pressure washer. The machine generates pressurised hot water and worked well to cut through the dirt. It comes with several wand accessories including a spinner attachment that is the most efficient way to cut through the dirt.

With most of the surface debris removed I followed up with an application of Tile Doctor Patio & Driveway Cleaner which was left to soak into the stone for some time before being rinsed off with the pressure washer. This dwell time is important as the strong chemicals need time to break down the staining and especially the blackspot which ran deep into the Sandstone.

I had to repeat the process several times to get rid of all the staining experimenting with different dwell times on each occasion but as can be seen in the pictures it made an amazing difference. Just goes to show that a little patience can make a big difference.

My client was blown away in the transformation and most relieved that they wouldn’t have to look at replacing it.

Sandstone Patio After Cleaning Caistor

I’ve mentioned this before but it’s worth knowing that Tile Doctor can deal with all types of tiles, both internal and external. We do not just tackle tiles, patios form a lot of our work in the spring and summer time, along with driveways. Cleaning and recolouring of grout is also a popular request for internal wall and floor tiles.

Sandstone Patio After Cleaning Caistor


Professional Restoration of a Sandstone Patio in Lincolnshire

Blackspot-Stained Grubby Sandstone Patio Restored in Caistor Read More »

Sandstone Staircase Cleaning Gainsborough

Sandstone Flooring and Staircase Renovated at a Gainsborough Mansion

Earlier this year I completed a job at an old mansion south of Gainsborough which had a unique Sandstone staircase and flooring. The home had been in the family for generations and my client was in the process of having it renovated. My involvement related to the Sandstone hallway and staircase which needed deep cleaning and sealing.

Sandstone Floor Tiles Before Cleaning Gainsborough

I visited the property first to survey the stone and it was clear it hadn’t been cleaned in decades so there was quite a bit to do. As an added problem there were old strips of adhesive on the steps that had been used to secure a stair carpet and the adhesive had absorbed into the stone staining it.

Sandstone Staircase Before Cleaning Gainsborough

Deep Cleaning a Sandstone Hallway and Staircase

My first task was to deep clean everything and my choice of product for this was Tile Doctor Remove and Go. This is a strong alkaline cleaner and coatings remover that’s designed for stripping off sealers and other contaminates such as adhesives; in this case however I suspect any sealer may have been work off years ago. I worked in sections and used a strong dilution decanted into a sprayer and applied to the stone; it was then left to soak in for a good ten to fifteen minutes before being scrubbed in.

For the sandstone floor tiles I used a 17-inch black scrubbing pad fitted to a weighted rotary floor buffer, the extra weight increases surface traction on the stone; I use the machine with a plastic skirt around the pad to minimise splashing. Once done the soiled solution was rinsed away with water and extracted with a wet vacuum. This process was very effective, and you can clearly see the difference in the photographs between the dirty and clean floor.

Sandstone Floor Tiles During Cleaning Gainsborough Sandstone Floor Tiles During Cleaning Gainsborough

The large buffer machine wasn’t a practical choice for scrubbing the stone staircase so to tackle that, I used back 6-inch scrubbing pads fitted to a hand buffer. It is a slower process but combined with more Tile Doctor Remove and Go it got the job done.

After rising and extracting I inspected the staircase and it was clear that the marks from the adhesive strips would need more attention to completely remove the staining. I turned to another Tile Doctor product for this called Nanotech HBU Remover, HBU stands for Heavy Build-up and it is a real problem solver for issues like this. Again, the product was left to soak in for ten minutes and then scrubbed in using a similar process as before using the handheld machine. I had to do this a few times until we were happy with the results. I then used coarse 200 and 400 grit diamond burnishing pads to even out the surface.

Sandstone Staircase During Cleaning Gainsborough

Sealing a Sandstone Tiled Hallway and Staircase Floor

After a final rinse and extraction, the floor was left to dry out completely for a few days; a lot of water is used in the cleaning process and the stone needs to be dry before applying the sealer.

On my return I took moisture readings with a damp meter to confirm the floor had dried and then started applying the sealer which for this floor I used Tile Doctor Ultra-Seal. This is an impregnating sealer that soaks into the pores of the stone adding protecting it from within, it leaves the stone with a natural finish and is almost undetectable. This product is also fully breathable which is an important point when dealing with old floors that don’t have the benefit of a damp proof membrane.

Sandstone Floor Tiles After Cleaning Gainsborough

The client was amazed by the transformation and said she had never seen the stone so much lighter and clean. For aftercare I recommended Tile Doctor Neutral Tile Cleaner which is a gentle but effective cleaning product that is safe to use on sealed stone.

Sandstone Staircase After Cleaning Gainsborough


Professional Restoration of a a Sandstone Tiled Hallway and Staircase in North Lincolnshire

Sandstone Flooring and Staircase Renovated at a Gainsborough Mansion Read More »

Indian Sandstone Patio Renovation Gainsborough

Algae Stained Indian Sandstone Patio Renovated in Gainsborough

This Indian Sandstone patio at a property in Gainsborough was covered with a film of green algae ruining its appearance. I must admit I come across patio’s all the time with a build-up of lichen and grime but rarely anything as lime green as this.

Indian Sandstone Patio Before Renovation Gainsborough

Indian Sandstone is full of character and looks great when its clean but like any patio material its appearance will suffer over the winter due to the weather and really needs to be maintained annually to keep it looking at its best.

Indian Sandstone Patio Before Renovation Gainsborough

Deep Cleaning an Indian Sandstone Patio in Gainsborough

I started by pressure washing the Sandstone and mortar with the compressor set to low. This dislodge as much detritus and grime as possible without harming the stone, especially the mortar which can become loose if the pressure is set to high.

With the initial soiling removed the next step was to deep clean the stone of ingrained dirt and what remained of that awful lime coloured biofilm. To do this I brushed in a Tile Doctor Driveway and Patio Cleaner diluted one part cleaner to four parts water and left it to soak in for twelve hours. Luckily there was no blackspot to treat this time so I expected it to respond well.

I find dwell time is essential for this product so it’s worth experimenting with longer times If needed. This product is very strong and really designed for professional use so If your using it yourself do read the label to make sure its compatible with the stone and do wear protection.

Once done the patio was rinsed with water and the soiling extracted. It was then inspected and any stubborn stains re-treated.

Indian Sandstone Patio After Renovation Gainsborough

This process completely transformed the Indian Sandstone paving which once done looked incredibly clean. The subtle colours of the stone paving were really evident and made a massive transformation from the original.

Its worth noting that although we usually work on internal stone and tile the equipment we have works just as well outdoors as it does in (weather permitting) so if your patio needs renovating in time for the summer do get in touch.

Indian Sandstone Patio After Renovation Gainsborough


Renovating an Indian Sandstone Patio in Lincolnshire

Algae Stained Indian Sandstone Patio Renovated in Gainsborough Read More »


North Lincolnshire Tile Doctor

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